

 M.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona                                  May 2020                                                                                                            


B.S., Organismal Biology, University of Arizona                                                                May 2018



 Michaels, A.H., & Dornhaus, A., submitted, Larger workers are more likely to drift in the bumble bee Bombus impatiens. Insectes Sociaux


Honors and Awards

Graduate and Professional Student Council Travel Grant, 2019                                                                             Van De Verde Research Scholarship in Science, 2018                                                                                                                 Arizona Excellence Scholarship, 2015-2018                                                                                                                                  Dean’s List, 2015, 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Academic Year Distinction, 2017                 

_____________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                          Presentations


Michaels, AH, A Dornhaus. “Colony Drift in Bumble Bees: Larger Workers Are More Likely to Drift” November 19, 2019 Entomological Society of America, St. Louis, Missouri

Michaels, AH, A Dornhaus. “Differences in Worker Body Size Variation in North American Bumble Bees” November 16, 2019 Entomological Collections Network, St. Louis, Missouri

Michaels, AH, E Kelemen, A Dornhaus. “Do males have the same amount of body size variation as female workers?” August 7, 2018.  International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Guarujá, Brazil

Michaels, AH, E Kelemen, A Dornhaus. ”Does queen body size have an effect on worker body size? “ April 25, 2018 Undergraduate Research Lightning Talks, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Michaels, AH, E Kelemen, A Dornhaus. “Do males have the same amount of body size variation as female workers?” January 20, 2018. Undergraduate Biology Research Program Conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Michaels, AH, E Kelemen, A Dornhaus. “How does body size affect chance of survival of individual workers in Bombus impatiens during periods of starvation?” April 20, 2017.  Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Poster Conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.


Michaels, AH, E Kelemen, A Dornhaus. “Thesis Thursday” July 10, 2018.  KXCI 91.3, Tucson, Arizona


Michaels, AH. “Being a woman in science and fieldwork” December 19, 2017. The Ellis School (PreK-12, All-girls), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Professional Experience

Research and Museum Collections:

Volunteer Curator, The Charleston Museum, Entomology Collections, Charleston, SC, August 2021-Present

·        Catalogued specimens using Past Perfect software

·        Curated, repaired, identified, and scheduled maintenance for collection

·        Notable taxonomic groups: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera


Insect Collection Researcher, University of Arizona Insect Collection, Department of Entomology and Insect Science, January 2019-May 2020

·        Digitized and catalogued bee specimens

·        Identified and curated native bee specimens

·        Experience with SCAN database (Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network)

·        Notable taxonomic groups: Bombus, Xylocopa


Visiting Researcher, Hymenopteran Collections, The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., June 2019-July 2019

·        Digitized and catalogued bumble bee specimens for Master’s data collection



Graduate Research Assistant, Dornhaus Lab, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Arizona, August 2018-December 2018

·        Managed and maintained large datasets and spreadsheets

·        Maintained bumble bee colonies in lab and greenhouse setting including: feeding, weighing, culling, measuring, tagging, and sorting bees

·        Managed a team of undergraduate researchers


Undergraduate Researcher, Dornhaus Lab, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Arizona, January 2017- August 2018

·        Investigated the relationship between probability of death and body size, the effects of queen body size on her worker’s body size, and the differences in variation between male and worker body size in the Common Eastern Bumble bee as part of a larger project examining colony efficiency and robustness under constant and variable food conditions



Adjunct Biology Faculty & Lab Assistant, Trident Technical College, North Charleston, SC                                                                                                                 August 2021-Present

·        Instructor for Introductory Biology and Organismal Biology 

·        Prepare supplies, solutions, instructor and student guides, for summer biology labs


Designated Campus Colleague, University of Arizona, Namibia, Africa, Summer 2022

·        Assisted study abroad professor in field expedition throughout the country

·        Drove manual transmission on off road terrain

·        Worked with students to develop hands-on research projects on African flora and fauna

·        Lead student discussions on conservation, ecology, and entomology


 After School Program Developer and School Speaker, Charleston, SC, October 2021-Present

·        Developed and lead lessons paired with outdoor exploration to teach elementary students about insect ecology, evolutionary relationships, and behavior as well as learn about local flora and fauna


Graduate Teaching Assistant, Animal Behavior Lecture & Lab, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Arizona, August 2019-December 2019

·        Developed new lab activities and lecture material

·        Lead lab discussion groups and field trips

·        Cared for and maintained arthropods used in lab activities

Insect Discovery, Department of Entomology and Insect Science, The University of Arizona January 2019-May 2019

·        Lead science outreach activities with elementary students about insect diversity, adaptations, life cycles, and the scientific method

·        Developed new pollinator outreach activities



Graduate Teaching Assistant, Introductory Biology Lab, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Arizona, January 2019-May 2020

·        Assisted in developing new insect lab and lecture material

·        Lead invertebrate and vertebrate dissection demonstrations

·        Lead wet mount and slide staining demonstrations

·        Lead lab discussion groups and field trips


Field Work

Graduate Field Assistant, Dornhaus Lab, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Arizona, Archbold Research Station, FL, January 2019

·        Pseudo-scorpion colony collection

·        Maintenance of colonies and preparation for travel


Undergraduate Technician, Archer Lab, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, The University of Arizona, August 2017- April 2018

·        Provided field data collection assistance with research project that evaluates the impacts of brush management on rangeland ecosystem services on a Sonoran Desert savanna ecosystem

·        Collected plot and transect-based measurements to assess vegetation composition and aboveground biomass, as well as collecting woody debris and soil samples to assess changes in carbon sequestration potential

·        Collected transect data for ant and rodent nest activity, as well as collected insect specimens in pitfall traps to assess the impacts of herbicide treatment on species composition


Small Mammal Intern, Arizona Game and Fish Department, White Mountains, AZ, May 2017- August 2017

·        Conducted occupancy surveys of remote riparian locations in northeastern Arizona using track plates in order to identify critical habitat for the endangered New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse

·        Conducted census counts and observations for Black-tailed Prairie Dog colonies in Las Cienegas National Conservation Area

·        Trapped, ear tagged, and tested Gunnison’s Prairie Dogs for plague virus using blood and flea samples as part of ongoing efforts to reintroduce Black-footed Ferrets in Garland Prairie, AZ

Amazon Rainforest Conservation Program in Ecuador, University of Arizona, December 2016-January 2017

·        Conducted field study using black light traps and photo records to assess activity times of neotropical moth families 

·        Learned about conservation issues in the Amazon and the vast biodiversity it contains


 Ornithology Engagement Program, Duckworth/Badyaev Lab, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, January 2017-May 2017

·        Banded and measured House Finches to assist graduate students in the Badyeav Lab  

·        Utilized basket trapping, mist netting, handling techniques, and identification of Arizona bird species

·        Observed Zebra Finches as part of a behavioral study to assess the difference in agonistic behavior towards extra-pair individuals between male-male and male-female pairs as part of ongoing research in the Duckworth Lab


 Volunteer Research Assistant, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona, Tombstone, AZ, March 2017

·        Utilized Sherman traps to capture small mammals

·        Weighed, measured, and ear tagged to assist graduate students in data collection


 Related Service

Nighttime at the Museum, The Charleston Museum

Tucson Bee Collaborative

Arizona Insect Festival, Social Insect Booth development, DNA Barcoding infographic (2019)

Apidologie Reviewer 

Prince Elementary STEM Night (2019)

Borton Elementary Entomology Club Guest (2019)

Arizona Insect Festival, Social Insect Booth volunteer (2017, 2018)


Training and Certifications

 Arizona Game & Fish Department, Intern, Nongame and Endangered Species Department 

·        4x4 vehicle, trailering, and utility terrain vehicle training

·        Radio protocol, desert survival, first-aid, and border safety training

·        Blood borne pathogens and wildlife diseases training

Lifeguard/AED/First-Aid/CPR (Valid 2012-2018)




Relevant Skills

 Programming languages: R/RStudio

Graphics: Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom



Relevant Coursework


Insect Biology                                                                               Genetics

Ornithology                                                                                   Bioinformatics (Python)

Animal Anatomy and Physiology                                                            Animal Behavior Laboratory

Evolutionary Biology                                                                   Biochemistry

Biostatistics (Excel & StatPlus)                                                  Rainforest Conservation 

Ecology                                                                                           Plant Cell Structure and Function



Insect Discovery                                                                           Fundamentals in Ecology

Fundamentals in Evolution                                                        Insect Systematics          

Principles in Research